Why you should stop taking your yearly brand survey



You could believe that your present brand survey routine is a happy marriage. You go on the brand health reporting equivalent of a great date twice a year. Charts, statistics, and enticing audience insights seduce you. What about the remaining months of the year?

In the past, every six months could have sufficed, but nowadays, customer tastes might alter at any time. The research you perform will always be stale whether you commission a five-figure biennial brand reputation study and dedicate months to data collecting and analysis.

You deserve quick turnaround times, unvarnished audience feedback, and real-time insights. Even if it can feel like a lot to ask, know that you are valuable. Additionally, social insights might provide you with more information than your brand survey did.

Continue reading if you're unsure about when it's appropriate to say goodbye. We're arguing for progressing to greater and better things.

A brand survey is what?

Brand surveys track consumer attitudes and perceptions of a company. These polls are intended to measure the general health and perception of a brand among particular target populations. For instance, you would definitely survey prospects and customers if you wanted to see how your brand compares to its rivals. Instead, polling your coworkers might yield more insightful results if you're attempting to determine how your workplace brand resonates.

Based on your objectives, survey questions may change. Four different sorts of brand survey questions are listed below that marketers may use to learn more about how customers view their brands:

  • Cognitive: Inquiries that gauge the associations customers have with your brand. People could connect Apple, for instance, with "minimalism" or "innovation."
  • Emotional: Tests that gauge how strongly respondents feel about your company.
  • Descriptive: Requesting that respondents use their own words to describe your brand. Most of these inquiries are open-ended.
  • Action-based: Asking respondents to assess how well their interactions with your brand were.

To better understand how consumers see your brand and how that differs from how your organization views itself, try using these questions in various combinations.

Brand health evaluation: why conventional survey techniques fall short

A strong brand is comparable to having a line of credit available for emergencies. Your audience is more likely to be understanding if there is a problem the healthier your brand is.

Regular brand health analyses provide you a better understanding of how an unanticipated circumstance could affect the reputation of your brand. You may use this information to assess the perceived threat posed by a crisis, which serves as the cornerstone of your response plan.

If you simply poll consumers' opinions of your brand every two years, you risk missing important changes in their sentiment. Here are three reasons you should rethink your distribution strategies for brand surveys if that isn't enough.

  • Your brand's health is evolving constantly: Biannual surveys used to make sense because there were few ways to influence brand impression before recently. Consumers are now empowered to voice their opinions whenever the idea strikes thanks to social media and review websites. If you don't regularly check the health of your online brand, you can be losing out on important input.

  • Your survey's layout could provide skewed results: You are unaware of your ignorance. Even now, a discussion online has the potential to influence how consumers view your brand for weeks or even months. Inaccurate insights might cause even the most purposeful question list to provide biased findings.

  • You require timely perceptions: It takes a while to prepare and distribute brand health surveys. You don't have time to spare if you need to know how a recent occurrence is influencing how people perceive your business.

  • Star ratings and NPS don't give the full picture: The most reliable brand survey techniques aren't net promoter scores (NPS) and star rating systems. They provide no contextual background and are notoriously hard to trust because most people provide ratings at random. Ratings, for instance, may be influenced by the customer's attitude or may not even be related to the product at all but rather their interactions with the personnel. You have no chance of obtaining useful information to enhance the health of your brand unless a remark is provided along with the rating.

  • Ratings minimize consumer segmentation: In market research, customer demographics are crucial since different segments, such as those based on age or ethnicity, may have quite different experiences with brands. For instance, a resort's evaluations from families with young children may differ from those from older visitors depending on the holiday, the resort's entertainment options, or its accessibility to transportation. Because of this, statistics from general biannual brand surveys asking about consumer satisfaction may be biased.

Social media brand surveys are frequently used to assess the efficacy of advertising. Having said that, they can also offer insightful data on brand recognition and perception.

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